MLC - Building Bridges 10/21 picture album

Muslim Latino Collaborative - Building Bridges 10/21/17 picture album.

On Saturday October 21, 2017 the Bridging Communities program was launched bringing 30 Muslim and Latinx youth gathered at CSUF’s Dreamer Resource Center beginning one of three sessions that will take place over the course of the next two months.

At this first session the youth spent this Saturday together learning about both communities and exploring identity. Through a series of activities, we discussed and debunked myths and stereotypes that exist about the Muslim and Latinx community. They learned about the impact and real-world consequences that other people’s perceptions can have on a community and the importance of educating one another. We defined identifying terms such as “Latinx” and “Muslim”. We had two wonderful speakers from the Muslim community, Al Jabbar, Anaheim Union High School District School Board Member and Imam Tarik Ata. Through Bridging communities, we hope to build on the solidarity among Muslim and Latinx community through education and leadership development.

The next two sessions are scheduled for Nov 11th and Dec 2nd. The cohort will meet Latino leaders, visit neighborhoods and also do some service work in the field. This is first of several cohorts we hope to develop as we move forward. Following are couple of pics from this past Saturday.

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